Sunday, November 18, 2012

Try This Ancient Magic Cure

Quite simply the best magic pill to look better, feel better and be smarter is vigorous physical movement or in other words, 'exercise.'
For most of our history, movement, and lots of it, was key to human survival. Speed, coordination, dexterity, and strength aided humans from foraging for food to escaping predators. While many animals excel at movement, it is usually limited to excelling at a specific movement such as running for the Cheetah. Through our evolution, humans have mastered many movements and done so fairly well. We can walk, run, swim, climb, do cart wheels and somersaults. We can even swing from trees. We may not do such activities as well as the animals that evolved to do a certain activity extremely well, but as the Olympics demonstrate, humans can do extraordinary things with their bodies.
It is only been in very recent history that we have switched to sedentary lifestyles. Modern conveniences have reduced our need to exert ourselves physically. For many, vigorous physical activity, or exercise, is something you are supposed to do, but never get around to, or do at the gym for a couple of hours a week. But ignoring our ancestral roots comes with a price. Industrialized nations, particularly the United States, suffer from rampant obesity in their population with marked increases in diabetes, heart diseases and certain cancers.
Fortunately there is now a greater understanding of the importance of exercise. Recent research shows that older adults who exercise regularly not only prevent shrinkage in their brain, but can increase its size. This, in turn can reduce the risk of memory loss and perhaps even reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. And as Dr. Restak points out in his wonderful book "Mozart's Brain and the Fighter Pilot," research confirms that physical activity, especially those that emphasizes coordination and muscle strength, increases intelligence. If Dr. Restak is correct, than human's physical prowess was a key factor in our intellectual accomplishments.
So what does this mean for you the reader? It means you should embrace your physical side as part of your birth right - as part of your humanity. Find a physical activity you love. Here is some advice, if you look at your exercise or fitness program as a 'workout' and something to be dreaded and to get over with as soon as possible, then choose something else. Exercise should leave you feeling stronger, invigorated, with glowing skin, a clearer mind and a joyful connection to your body and environment. Nothing less than that is acceptable. Swim, run, climb or mimic animals movements in Yoga. And do it with a smile on your face knowing that unlike your ancestors, there is no saber tooth tiger or other predator looking to make you its next meal.
By Kerry Kim, co-owner of Master Kim Wellness Group and Beverly Hills Martial Arts Center. We believe in health through fitness at every age.
To learn more health tips that you can do at home, please visit

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Recognising Individuality of Older Person' Care Needs - Policy and Practice

I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness Ecclesiastes (7:25 KJV). Throughout my studies and career, I have continuously searched to uncover ontological issues of why older people are not perceived as individuals, with distinctive needs but to no avail. The perceptions of the national and local governments as well as the wider health and social care organisations have revealed the folly of the widely held societal belief systems against older people. They should be recognised and their contributions acknowledged for laying the foundations and structures of the universal welfare systems in the UK.
In the welfare discourse, older people are seen as one entity rather than individuals who have different care needs. Naturally, humans are individuals with special characteristics and genetic makeups, which is unique to identify their needs from others. However, health/social care institutions and professionals tend to see older people's care as homogenous thus, devising policies and practices that justify the implementations. Practice observations have revealed that such policy/service frameworks can sometimes encourage discrimination and abuses of older people mostly, those who are unable or have no family members to advocate for them. These act of inequality, negligence as well as poor services delivery for older people; who are in care triggered the development and implementation in the UK; the "National Service Framework for Older People" and "Personalization of Services". The aims and objectives of these polices were to eradicate discrimination, so that older people could be seen as persons with individual needs.
In contrast, cuts in services and restructure of human resource in the sector indicated that older people's service have been perceived as a weak sub-system, which could be targeted for savings. The reforms have ignited the debate whether the above policies are political rhetoric or manipulation of ideology. With older people' population expected to increase substantially in the next two decades, politician, physicians, health/social care professionals and managers need to be prepared for the overwhelming challenges they will have to face once they start looking after this user group. In practice, health and social work teams are swept over with referrals from this group, their families and other professionals. Case works are growing daily at an alarming rate and that is an indication of what lies ahead. In most developed societies, nearly one in five will be 65 or older by 2030 (UK census 2011). People in this age group constitute the majority of referrals to health and community welling organisations in the UK when compared with the rest of the population.
Consequently, the austerity measures have affected all parts of the welfare system, but services for older people have been severely embattled and that has led to care support structures been rationed under the umbrella of the "Eligibility Criteria Matrix". This is despite personalization of services ("Cash for Care, Personal Budget"). Unfortunately, this has become the fate of some older people who are in receipt of care; hence care giving and packages of support plan systems are undistinguishable. Most social service departments up and down the country in the UK only assist those with "critical" needs; whilst a significant minority of others provide assistance to those needing "critical and, or substantial" care, whilst those requiring medium and low needs have to fend for themselves. However, the danger is; this policy might indeed be contributing to the users' health by deteriorating conditions that would cost more money in the long-term to care for them. This is a common experience of those users who are unable to buy care privately and, or may not have family members around that are willing to support them. Current policy frameworks are not supporting preventative strategies, which could reduce future costs and admission into hospitals; rather the focus is to make substantial savings in line with the coalition government's ideologies such debt reduction and promotion of "the Big Society" agenda.
In truth, a significant number of older people who are in receipt of care tend to be frail and or, disabled and suffer from hearing deficit or dementia. Based on this understanding, homogeneous or residential care setting appears to be cost-effective for the authorities. The setting offers more environmental friendly services as well as providing a safety net for users and their families if some of their needs were not met in the community. Most users' needs are complex, unpredictable, and intense; associated with challenging behaviours. This means that the individual programme plans might be exaggerated as care giving is offered according to a presented condition at the point in time.
In hindsight, offering standardised care without due consideration for individual needs mean that a considerable number of older people would suffer as a result their care needs and health condition worsens. Practice observation discloses that hospital re-admissions are higher amongst those service users whose needs are not adequately met. Addressing these issues requires a complete change of attitude and perceptions held by the government, professionals and service managers. "Older people should be seen and not heard"; whilst a whole systems approach should foster individual programme approach to later. This has the potential to accommodate older people and their holistic needs within systems approach, which would promote psychosocial wellbeing and assurance that their needs could be met in their own house/community for as long as possible.
Conversely, recent census in the UK as well as the USA and other developed countries highlighted a decline of younger people as the population of older people continues to grow at a fast pace. The question is how could the increasing needs of older people be handled individually? Practice observations have revealed that a high proportion of younger people do not seek employment or train to offer care to older people because of the nature of the tasks involved such as intimate personal care and domestic chores. These observations justify change of government policies and legislation such as the "Immigration and education". Relaxing these have the tendency to promote migration of people from developing nations and it is hoped, this would boost the labour force in care industries within the UK and other developed societies. The caregivers would act as surrogate employees in the host nations particularly in the wider welfare services. The anticipated outcome is that immigrant workers would cover the vacuums in the care sectors, which was created by the declining younger people's population in the counties in question.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Infection Symptoms - Understanding Them

Yeast is present throughout your body at all times, and only becomes an issue when it begins to rapidly grow. This fungus is something that everyone should be aware of, and understand the symptoms behind the infection. Once you understand the different symptoms, you can discover the solutions to this uncomfortable problem.
Discovering the different forms
You may be surprised to discover that vaginal yeast infections do vary and that there may only be a few similarities. Each form of infection will need to be treated in a different way to ensure that the yeast is controlled, and stopped from growing further. Not knowing which infection you have, may cause you to waste time and money on treatments which are ineffective.
If you have found that the symptoms you are suffering from are similar to several yeast infections, you may need to seek professional advice. A health professional will be able to determine the yeast infection that you have, and the best form of treatment. Once you have been correctly diagnosed, you can begin to treat the problem.
What is yeast and how can it affect your body
Candida is the accurate term for the yeast which grows throughout your body, and this yeast is present at all times. Your mouth and vagina provide the ideal environment for this yeast to grow, and thrive in the warm, moist conditions. Over 50% of women will have it growing at all times, which is alarming for some.
Many of these women will have no issues with their yeast, and never suffer with any form of infection. However, a change in diet, lifestyle or environment can cause the yeast to grow rapidly, which is an issue. You may be unaware of the reasons for this excess growth, and the infection can be a shock.
Discovering your symptoms
Everyday medicines such as the contraceptive pill diabetes medicine and antibiotics can cause flareups of yeast growth. You may also discover that some hygiene products, shower gels and soaps can be an issue. There are some clear signs that you are suffering with some form of yeast infection, however, these are similar to other medical issues.
The first sign that you may experience is severe itching in your vagina, and the surrounding area. You may also experience a burning sensation when you go to the toilet. Both of these are typically the first signs that there is a chance you have a problem. You may also find sexual intercourse painful, and the days after you find it difficult to urinate.
Discharge is another symptom, which many women find is a sign that they are suffering with a yeast infection. This discharge is often a cloudy white color, with no odor, but a distinct comparison to cottage cheese. If you are experiencing any symptoms that may be a yeast infection, you need to ensure that you find a treatment as soon as possible.
Will the problem return?
Unfortunately, many women suffer with yeast infections time and time again, and over 5% of mature women will suffer with severe symptoms. You may be unlucky, or have underlying medical issues which need other treatments. Whatever form of yeast infection you have, you need to treat the problem and never ignore the symptoms.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Raspberry Ketones Review

Are you looking for a genuine and in-depth raspberry ketone review? Are you looking for all the ups and downs of this great enzyme? If so, keep reading because I have a lot to share with you guys on this subject.
To start with, let me tell you that this particular review is solely based on my research and my interest in this field. I have not used or tried any of the raspberry ketone products, all the data, facts and figures have been gathered from different primary and secondary sources including internet, interviews and manufacturers. I spoke to several different people who used and are using this compound, recorded their views and analyzed the data to generate something useful for public at large.
Raspberry ketone is an enzyme that naturally exists in raspberries. It has the natural ability to boost metabolism process and thus burns body fat at a faster pace. Not only that it increases metabolism, but it also provides human body with a lot of energy. The basic specialty of this enzyme is its ability to reduce weight.
Here is a list of a few basic benefits of this compound that I have figured out in this study:
- It is absolutely harmless with no side effects. This the reason as to why people are using it without any fear because they know that it will not going to harm them in any way until and unless it is mixed with any other compound.
- If used 200 mg per day, it will result in increased metabolism and results in weight reduction.
- It has the ability to burn fat at a faster pace than any other compound.
- It is extremely good for weight reduction.
As far as fat burning is concern, scientifically it has been proven that it does work on mice. But for humans, it has not been proven as yet. But those who have been using it are pretty much satisfied. Out of 250 reviews, 154 customers were satisfied.
Now let's talk about those who are not satisfied with raspberry ketone products. When it is mixed with other compounds and ingredients, it then proves to be harmful for human health. Most of the weight loss supplements contain raspberry ketone and many other compounds. Using such a supplement may prove to be harmful.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Advanced First Aid Kits

It's good to have your basic first aid kit for minor injuries. Are you ready for a true emergency and are in survival mode. What if you are left stranded for days without food or clean drinking water? Living in California I am witness to people getting stuck in these kinds of situations. You can see these types of events occur around the nation by just turning on the television. The best thing to have is a resource that keeps you safe and alive. You need a pack that has all the necessities.
A good survival kit has a first aid supply. On top of the first aid you need to be ready for anything. Of course the first thing you think about when it comes to survival is food and water. There are various paks designed to feel multiple people for 72 hours. Inside there are things like food bars, water boxes and 30 water purification tablets. The water purification tablets are like magic making questionable water safe to drink. Even if you get caught away from shelter this food in water should keep you a bit at ease. What if you get caught away from home?
You can find a kit with a tent, plastic sheeting, a roll of duct tape, and 10 emergency blankets.With these emergency blankets 90% of body heat reflects right back you. This is key if your caught out doors or in a cold city. No matter where you are this kit has information on how to survive any disaster inside the er survival guide. If you need to signal help you a whistle and light sticks are good ideas. There are also solar and hand crank powered NOAA weather band am/fm radio, flashlight, and charger. In this day in age the charger is really a difference maker. This charger is special because most of them never need batteries. You charge it by using the hand crank or solar panel. Whether you have a iPhone, blackberry or droid it doesn't matter. Your phone charges and can be ready use for communication. The emergency candles and waterproof matches may also come in handy during survival mode.
A clever item I have noticed inside first aid kits are pry crow bars. Not only may you need to pry something open you may need to pound something or defend yourself. Another good resource inside First aid kits are the potassium iodate pills that are included. These pills help shield the thyroid from radiation damage after an emergency. If there is an emergency and no toilet, you can utilize buckets with snap on toilet seat and sanitation bags. Certain kits really have what you need.
There are many kits out there. Targeted toward different tragedies. A brand that has all the different types of kits is Quake Kare. They are a leading brand for equipment. They have been the industry leading manufacturer and supplier of emergency preparedness kits in the U.S. If you are going to spend your money on a kit you might as well get the leading brand. With the quality items you get inside you can increase your chances of survival.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dangers of Humid Temperatures At Home

It is important to have a clear understanding of your home's temperature. Varying temperatures can affect you and your home's condition. Humidity is one among many problems people suffer from. The hot sun, together with humid temperatures can cause plenty of indoor issues such as mould, mildew, condensation damage, and health risks.
Mould and mildew thrive in areas with high humidity. The indoor environment of your home can sometimes be the perfect place for moulds to grow. Prevention of mould growths is unachievable without the proper control of moisture. This can also be the perfect breeding ground for cockroaches and other insects.
Another important issue you should be aware about is your health.
Moulds and dust mites can trigger serious allergies, asthma attacks, and other respiratory ailments. Extreme humid conditions can also affect your body's temperature causing you to sweat and feel uncomfortable. People sensitive to heat and humidity may suffer dehydration, heat stroke and hamper the body's cool down mechanism.
For these reasons, it is important to buy a house appliance that can control room temperature levels. A dehumidifier is an ideal device that helps reduce the level of humidity in the air. It works by removing air and condensing water onto a cold surface. The built-in fans pull the humid air in the room and let it pass through a set of cold coils for a cooling effect. The humid air passes through and the moisture accumulates onto the cold coils.
The cold air then passes through the warm coils to bring back the room temperature.
A dehumidifier provides many benefits. Below are some of the advantages you can have if you start using one.
Reduce Humidity
The dehumidifier can control room temperature and reduce humidity levels up to 50-60 per cent. Enjoy a comfortable and relaxing home environment with this effective cooling device.
Remove Mould and Mildew
Moulds can easily damage some of your house properties causing you to spend for maintenances and repairs. They also produce allergens that can be harmful to your respiratory system.
Eliminate musty and bad odours
The lack of air circulation in closed rooms can cause unpleasant musty odours. The cooling system can add more airflow and eliminate bad odours caused by humidity.
Prevent Health Issues
Moulds and mildew cause harmful allergens that may affect your health. A dehumidifier can regulate temperature and eliminate them.
Protect your House and other items
Excess moisture can cause potential damage to certain parts of your home. They also damage certain items such as electronics, books, and clothes.
Water Treatment and Condensation
You can avoid excessive damage on your carpets, walls, and other items under effective water extraction.
Energy efficient
Dehumidifiers are environment-friendly. They do not use up too much electricity and can help you cut costs.
Economical Clothes Dryer
They help dry your clothes effectively in proper room temperatures. You will no longer need expensive dryers that consume a lot of your electric energy.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Workers Provide Love and Care

These days, it may seem hard to find compassionate people in this world during times of need. A hospice program will employ many caring individuals who are happy to provide comfort and love to individuals in their last days of life. This helps many terminally ill people around the world make end of life arrangements. Although death is expected, these people still face a hard time. Illnesses can mean unbearable pain and grief. And some of these folks are not even provided with friendly service that they need. Doctors and nurses can be cold and uncaring. Luckily, there is a service that can provide emotional support, smiles, and so much more during this important time.
Hospice workers or volunteers will travel to a patient's location and provide all the medicine and supplies that are needed. Medications, wheelchairs, clothing, and other items will be provided, and no one will be left alone when they need someone to talk to or some companionship. Only the friendliest and most understanding people will work for this company. Patients in the end stages of their lives do not need people treating them rudely or coldly. Instead, these people need caregivers who will tend to their every need. They need someone who will try to cheer them up during a dark time in their lives. Positivity can make a difference in the overall experience of patients.
People of all ages around the world suffer from terminal illnesses that shorten their lives. The final stages are times of great grief and stress, especially for family and friends. When patients are comfortable and feeling good, they are able to spend more time with the ones they love. This is why hospice workers are available. These workers will even work closely with the family of a patient to ensure that support is available during this sad time. It is hard to find someone to trust in this world. However, there are people who genuinely care for the well-being of others.
No matter the ethnicity, color, or creed of a patient, hospice workers do not discriminate. All life is precious and each individual should be treated to respectful care. The patient's every request will be granted. This includes prayer requests. Volunteers can indeed pray for and with the patients and their families. Counseling will also be available to the loved ones after the patient has passed away.
Because hospice services are so helpful, organizations contribute to them all the time. As a result, individuals are able to continue providing love and care to people in their last days. There are some healthcare professionals who show absolutely no compassion for those who are dying. As long as a person is living, he or she is entitled to the best possible care, even in the final stages. It's a good thing that this kind of care can be found.